“Enhanced Misinformation from an Undisclosed Location”
By Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney fires back at critics in his new book “Enhanced Misinformation from an Undisclosed Location.”
Specifically, the former vice president blasts a new report on the scope and effectiveness of CIA interrogation techniques, calling it “full of crap” and “a bunch of hooey.”
Talking torture on Fox News, Cheney confessed, “I’d do it again in a minute.” Regrets? Cheney laments that he never personally got to rectally rehydrate a man, but he appreciates being retired so he can spend more quality time in his customized Cadaver Cave with his collection of carcasses and corpses.
“Enhanced Misinformation from an Undisclosed Location” is the spine-curdling follow-up to “Waterboard This!” Cheney’s defiant, Moby Dick-like manifesto aimed at the seamy underbelly of the American media blowhole.
In “Enhanced Misinformation,” Cheney reveals that he has mastered ninja heart fist techniques and is now legally classified as a weapon of mass destruction in parts of California and Switzerland.
“I laughed until I rectally rehydrated myself.” – Arturo DiMaunchie
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Book Blurbs editor John Breneman is the author of “Downsized! How I Got Laid Off After 30 Years in Newspapers and Turned My Funniest Sunday Advice Columns Into a Blockbuster E-book.” For a limited time only, contact us through Twitter: @MrBreneman.